
Introducing HITIQ ConneQt

HITIQ ConneQt is an integrated ecosystem linking Team Administrators, Caregivers and Players to medical professionals following potentially concussive events. This includes a Telehealth service that specialises in the treatment of sports-related concussions.

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Accessible Concussion Care

HITIQ ConneQt provides the highest standard of sport-related concussion care, regardless of geographic location. 

Streamlined Incident Reporting

Rapidly enter guided incident reports during training and games via our easy-to-use application.

ConneQt has been designed to streamline and simplify how admins monitor and report head impacts through ConneQt's mobile app incident report protocol.

Your Tool to Communicate

The ConneQt ecosystem ensures that all key stakeholders are notified when a potential concussion occurs.

Designated guardians will be notified immediately when an incident report is created.

View player availability

Player availability is automatically updated, pending the player's status.

Alerts & Integrated Notifications

Immediately receive notifications of suspected concussions with detailed incident information direct to your phone.

Streamlined, Specialized Telehealth Appointments

Book a telehealth consultation with one of our concussion specialists anytime from anywhere in Australia.

Return to Learn and Play: In-Home Guidance

Access the latest concussion management protocols to ensure your child returns to school and sports safely.

A standardised concussion management platform for all participants

ConneQt is the only platform developed from the ground up to ensure compliance with current concussion management protocols.

ConneQt With A Scalable Concussion Management  Solution.

The ConneQt solution has been designed to be deployed at scale to provide all participants with the highest standard of concussion care.

Complete Oversight 

The integrated platform provides visibility of compliance to concussion management protocols.

ConneQt signifies a huge leap forward for community sports globally. 

Our comprehensive concussion management platform has been developed to provide a world-first concussion healthcare microsystem.

A consistent, convenient and readily accessible concussion healthcare solution for all community sports participants.

A telehealth service to provide the best care everywhere. 

Conduct consultations from home with our integrated telehealth service run by leading medical physicians specialising in sports-related concussions.

ConneQt offers an accessible, safe, easy and secure online healthcare solution, arming guardians with expert assistance any time of the day, regardless of location.

Streamlined incident reporting to collect vital information.

ConneQt prioritises a seamless flow of information, enabling real-time updates on player health to facilitate informed decision-making throughout the concussion management process.

Team managers or player guardians can rapidly enter incident reports via our easy-to-use protocol.

Leverage state-of-the-art data analysis to view concussion rates across cohorts.

The ConneQt Dashboard monitors all concussion-related data, including incident rates, mechanisms of injury, protocol adherence and recovery times.

By harnessing the power of data, targeted interventions can be implemented to minimise the risks associated with unmanaged concussions.

Get ConneQt

Discover how ConneQt can improve player welfare and take your community to the next level. Book your personalised 30-minute demo today.