News Media | 7NEWS bulletin on cutting-edge HITIQ technology


HITIQ CEO Glenn Smith sat down with Seven Network Melbourne News Editor Jackie Quist to discuss how the HITIQ Smart Mouthguard is being rolled out to consumers nationwide.

The HITIQ Smart Mouthguard is based on elite and professional technology and backed by years of R&D from the world's leading scientific and medical experts within the concussion and brain injury space.

HITIQ Smart Mouthguard data suggested junior players experienced an average of 8 head impacts per session.

Regarding the sustained head impact data, HITIQ CEO Glenn Smith remarked, 'It's a level everyone should take notice of. These are significant repeat head impacts.'

Transcript: It's been a bumpy season for full-forward Ted Fraser. The 14-year-old son of Collingwood great Josh Fraser, clocking up between five and ten knocks to the head per game. "I was pretty surprised with some of the head knocks I had. I didn't really feel them in the game."

Ted's $209 high-tech mouthguard detected them all. It's fitted with a sensor, and any knocks are recorded and sent to his mum. "It's got different categories. It's like a minor, moderate, or heavy knock, where you take them to the doctors".

Thousands wear the custom mouthguards in elite sport. This season, the devices were trialed by 63 junior AFL and rugby players aged between 12 and 18. The data suggests they received on average eight head knocks each per game.

"It's a level that everyone should take notice of. These are significant repeat head impacts. That's what we know really causes trauma to the brain.

The G-force and rotational impacts range from minor to extremely heavy. The mouthguard data has found the start of the season is the most physical, with more head knocks recorded in April and May.

"You don't want them getting head knocks, so it's good to know if they do get them."

The trial will be expanded next season. Jackie Quist, 7NEWS.


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